Musings of a crunchy, domestic goddess

Just another mama musing about her kids, Attachment Parenting, activism, photography, and life in general

about me January 25, 2007


My name is Amy (AKA amygeekgrl). I’m a wife (to Jody) and crunchy mama (to Ava – 6/2004 and Julian – born at home 11/23/06) and am passionate about breastfeeding, cloth diapering, gentle discipline, recycling, organic foods and informed healthcare decisions. I practice Attachment Parenting (or parenting by instinct) because it feels right for me and my family.

Since Ava’s birth, I’ve felt a need to raise awareness on various issues relating to women’s health and children, something I try to do via my blog. I truly do want to make the world a better place for her and Julian and I hope that I can do that even if it’s in a very small way. As Gandhi said, “We must be the change we wish to see in the world.”

In addition to my wife and mama role, I’m the shopkeeper of an online store (Attached At The Hip) featuring AP advocacy wear and more.

I also enjoy reading, writing, photography and hiking.

…Knowledge is power…

Email me at:

To learn even more about me, please see my “intro” post. It’s a bit outdated since I wrote it back in February 2005, but still gives you a lot of Amy background. πŸ˜‰


8 Responses to “about me”

  1. Hi Amy!
    I was so excited to stumble across your page. I love it! I feel like I am reading my own home page. Keep it up! It’s great to feel supported, even if it’s in cyberspace πŸ˜‰

    Regards, Lisa in MN

  2. diana Says:

    Thank you Amy for posting “The Business of Being Born” interview with Ricki Lake. I forwarded it to the Board of Directors of Sage Femme. Way to go Crunchy Mama!
    Diana Paul

  3. Laura Says:

    It’s very timely that I found your website. (More reassurance that it’s more than just a happy accident) Thank You. ~Laura (also in MN)

  4. bibomedia Says:

    Have a nice day !

  5. Jessi Says:

    I found your website and wanted to share the photographs I was able to shoot at the birth of my niece. My sister had a home birth, and was able to have a water birth. This is the second birth I have photographed as a professional, the first birth was done in a hospital and was a very different experience. Both are posted on my blog. Check them out!.

    (**note – you may have to downscroll through a wedding to get to the water birth, and to view the hospital birth, please click on “2007”)

  6. Herbal Guy Says:

    Hey thanks for sharing your blog with us.
    I found it very intresting.

  7. anotherhippydoc Says:

    My name is Writtika Roy and I’m presenting a poster on childbirth and women’s choices at the American Medical Women’s Association Conference this weekend. Do you mind if I use an image from your blog on the poster? Please let me know by comment or email whether you give permission to use your images.

  8. Darlene Levenson Says:

    Amy, I’m Darlene from way back when I had, and I posted a link to you when you were doing the beading (for women in Africa, if I recall). I’m amazed at how your blog has evolved! Good work, kiddo!

    I’ve been writing online articles for several years now and you may be interested in several of them. One’s on the “four best fruits” and the other’s on the “Healthiest Most Nutritious Lettuce & Vegetables for Salads.”

    And since you’re an activist, my newest one is on a bill that’s in the Senate to finally make Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining illegal. “Support this new bill! Make mountaintop removal…” Actually, I thought of sending this to you first, but then since you’re into nutrition too…

    Hope I’m not imposing in any way! Would you like me to send you the links?

    Meanwhile, keep up the fantastic work!!!! Darlene

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